Register for free workshop: using a risk heatmap to decide what to negotiate
You'll also learn how to run the same workshop with your team
Last week I wrote about the below contract risk heatmap. And how it helps lawyers decide per contract type, what to negotiate and what to leave alone.
The output can then be easily documented in a playbook.
I’ve found that a workshop is the quickest way to get a team aligned. I’m going to run a free 1 hour example workshop on Wednesday 9 August at 4:30pm (UK).
During the live workshop:
we’ll work through the Risk Matrix for a contract type in a collaborative way.
I’ll show you the moving parts to the workshop, so you’ll feel confident running it for your own team as well.
You can sign-up to join here via LinkedIn! You’ll get the recording afterwards too (even if you can’t make it on the day).
I’ll also send the recording to those of you who already registered their interest via the sign-up form last week.
Hope to see you there!